Saturday, July 12, 2014

Today is over!!

           Day one done is done. Day one out of 15 that it will just be me. Me and five kids and no Ray. Today was not about cleaning. Today was about survival! The first day of anytime time that Ray travels is terrible! It's a hard day because first the kids are sad, and then they stop being sad and they start having a misbehaving, chasing them around the house with a wooden spoon behavior. The transformation is amazing, and happens every time. Really.

           So I tried to keep the kids busy today. After I helped, or I guess I should say "helped" my sister with a garage sale I took the kids to the library and the splash pad. What. Has anyone ever been to the splash pad, on a Saturday, when its a million degrees outside? I never had until today, and I will never do it again. There was a birthday party at every picnic table. In fact a group of people asked me to move so they could have their party. Sure people. Ask the lady with all the kids to move. That's awesome.

        I told the kids we could do pizza and a movie for dinner. I was going to go to the red box and get a movie, but by the time it was time to do that it just seemed more reasonable to pay $5 for it on demand then $1 at the red box. Rays gone people. He's the brains behind the money. Enough said.

         So it's 8:30 as I'm typing this and Molly has been in bed since 6:00 and the little boys, who will probably be called "the little boys" even when they are married, went to bed at 7:00. It's a shame that Timothy knows how to tell time because he went upstairs protesting saying something about he needed to be outside riding his bike. No honey, you need to be in bed. Mommy is done. So tomorrow to avoid this problem I am going to set the clocks ahead and give them all Benadryl. I'm kidding...who wants to mess with changing all the clocks.

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