Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Last couple of days....


         It's been a crazy couple of days. I'm just gonna be honest, I haven't cooked since Sunday. I knew this would happen at some point with Ray being gone but I do have some  legitament reasons. Like for starters we had Lizzie's birthday sleepover on Monday night and she wanted pizza but not homemade pizza because we have that every week! So I didn't fix Monday dinner. So my reason for why we didn't do our usual breakfasts choices on Tuesday morning is the same reason I didn't fix dinner Monday night. No one wants to come to a sleep over and have oatmeal. So I bought donuts. I love donuts.

           So now I feel like I need to back track a little. I though it would be easier to have a sleepover while Ray is out of town. Because it just it. So I also thought it would be fun for my friend Leslie to come from Texas with her kids and help me with the sleepover. Bonus. As it turns out I needed her help. I'm not a slumber party girl. And here's a little secert, I hate having birthday parties for my kids. I don't hate my kids, just having parties! Okay, so anyway I needed some help.

          Tuesday was a blur. Sick kids, cranky kids, lots of spanking, putting together a baby bed, rearrange furniture, it was an exhausting  day! So the kids had left over pizza for lunch and sandwiches for dinner. I didn't have to fix dinner for Leslie because she went to dinner with her brother and I didn't have to fix something for myself because we had dip leftover from Lizzie's party and I don't think I need to remind people that I love dip.

           So here we are today. The kids had cereal for breakfast. I bought good cereal since I knew Leslie would be here a couple of days with her kids, but she didn't know I had done that and she brought her own cereal! Love it. She left before lunch so they missed out on Ramon noodles! I once again had dip. I will have dip for every meal until it is gone. Nothing wasted in this house, I'm just taking one for the team.

           On Sunday night I made homemade Mac and cheese for dinner and there was a lot leftover and we eat all the leftovers this month so it's what we had for dinner tonight. I will be back to cooking tomorrow. I have muffins to make and bread to bake and whatever else.

             Molly alert. Molly has been sleeping in our room since we brought her home, she is almost three months old. That is like 2 months and 2 weeks longer then any of my other kids did. I'm a little sad to not have her in here but she is moving in with Lizzie who couldn't be happier. At least someone is happy. That's my goal. Not all my kids can be happy at the same time so I strive for at least one a day and today it's Lizzie. I've got them on a rotation. It works for us.

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