Monday, July 8, 2013

beans,beans the magical fruit

           As you might have guessed, we had beans for dinner. This week is actually a meat free dinner week. So we will be having beans and rice, rice and beans, beans, and then rice. Not necessarily in that order. And I reserve the right to add either beans or rice to any meal I am making this week. Whatever.

           So today is Monday which just like Sunday means cereal for breakfast. Because Mondays are hard for me. I don't like to get up on Mondays, but I have to because we have so many kids that need someone to take care of We are supposed to have muffins tomorrow for breakfast, but I haven't made them yet, so who knows how that will turn out.

           Lunch was tortillas and cheese, which was a nice change according to my kids. I had dip. So I have been craving dip, and cake, or anything chocolate. But I couldn't buy any because of this budget, then I remembered today that I could make ranch dip...can I get a hallelujah. So I ate ranch dip for lunch. And it was good. And I hid it from my kids, and I don't feel guilty about it. Now if I could just figure out how to make chocolate cake without any coco powder or chocolate of any kind I would be set.

         Like I said before we had beans and rice for dinner. I fixed Brazilian black beans and it is one of my favorite bean recipes. I will also use my leftover beans from tonight for black bean patties later in the week.

       I am now listening to one of my children cry from their room because they don't want to go to bed. But he has to because he is in trouble. Ugh. I'm thinking about going to the house next door because she is out of town and  we are taking care of her dogs for her and just sit in her house because there are no children over there. Just two dogs that are so old they just lay there. Perfect.

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