Friday, July 19, 2013

      I think it was in my first blog about this grocery challenge that I mentioned I thought I should get a prize for managing this crazy budget we are trying this month. Well as it turns out Ray thought I deserved something too for my hard work! He bought me a set of Cuisinart stainless cookware! I couldn't be more excited. First because it was a very thoughtful gift, he knows I love to cook and second because I haven't had new cookware in ages, seriously, ages! So now I have fancy pots to cook my beans in and that of course makes my beans taste even better.

      Since we are already talking about Ray, I'm going to continue. He is taking some kind of banking classes in Colorado right now and in his class today he took the Myers Briggs personality test. Well I love those things, so I took one too and guess what, according to our personalities, we are seriously perfect for each other. Which is why he knew I would love those pots and pans, but I would never buy them for myself so he did.

         Okay, enough of that and let's talk food. Yes, I am cooking real meals even though Ray isn't home. This is new for me. I don't usually cook if he isn't going to be here. I acknowledge this is a strange habit, but it's the truth! We usually have junk to eat when he isn't here. But I'm fixing real food to stay on my budget. Last night we had homemade chicken taquitos. I love them. We seem to having a lot of mexican food this month, I love mexican food and since I plan the menu...there ya go!

        Tonight is Friday, what does Friday night night! So that was easy. The last couple of days the kids have had cereal for breakfast, but I made banana muffins today for breakfast tomorrow. See, if I make them have cereal everyday then I will run out of milk sooner then I want to, so I have to have other things for breakfast. I had bananas turning brown, so banana muffins it is. Lunches the last couple of days has been sandwiches. It's easy and for the most part my kids will eat sandwiches without complaint.

           I think I said before that I split my money up so I shop every two weeks. So far this part of the month I have spent $92.00.  I need to have money left over to be able to buy fruit and milk again. We go through a lot of fruit. A lot. So there it is.

          An now just because, here is an update on Molly. She is smiling now, and starting to kinda laugh.  She is still pretty small, but super cute! Oh and she sleeps through the night. Because she rocks at being a baby. Word.


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