So I didn't blog yesterday. Sorry. I also didn't cook yesterday, at all! Let me explain. On Sundays if you ask my kids what for breakfast, it's same thing every.single.sunday. And its cereal. And they hate it. Let me explain. First, I don't cook on Sunday, there is to much going on and too many kids to get ready for church. So they eat cereal. They eat cereal on Mondays too and they still hate it Monday. I don't cook on Monday mornings either because I'm grumpy Monday mornings. But here is the reason they hate it...I only, really I'm serious, only buy Cheerios. But really it isn't even Cheerios, it is its generic version of it. But wait, I do have a reason for that. I homeschool my kids, I don't have anywhere to send my kids in the morning. There is absolutely no way I am going to give my kids sugar cereal and then ask them to sit at the kitchen table with me to do school...that ain't happening.
Well that takes care of Sunday and Monday breakfast. On Sunday we went to rays aunt and uncles house for a cookout. So I didn't have to fix Sunday lunch! Yippee! Well my kids ate so much at lunch and then after lunch that I didn't need to feed them dinner! I guess they are starting to realize if they want something yummy they have to fill up on it somewhere other then our house!
Now on to tonight dinner and it was our first night of the beans I have been warning my family about, but as it turns out, both my older kids are sleeping over at friends houses and missed the beans. Oh, but they will get them tomorrow for lunch! I think I have a pretty good pinto bean recipe. And the good thing about this recipe is I can use the leftovers for something else, which I will on Thursday night! So tonight we had them with corn bread. On Thursday I will smash them up and mix them with mexican rice we will use them to make burritos!
And there you have it! I bought a big bag of dried pinto beans for less them $3.00, it will feed our family at least twice, but I'm pretty sure it will be three times. Mixing the beans with rice, another inexpensive ingredient helps make things go further!
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