Saturday, July 6, 2013

Goings on and on and on....

        Well I haven't blogged for a couple of days. First because Ray has been off since Wednesday and when he is off work we are busy doing stuff. And second it is hard to blog about the food we are eating! I keep thinking, do people really want to know what we are eating every single meal of every single day? So since I missed a couple of days, I guess I need to back track to Thursday....

         Thursday was a fun day. We had decided to do something fun with the kids, so we took them to Frontier City. We had breakfast at home that day, it was banana and apple muffins. I guess I could have packed a lunch to take with us, but I didn't. I did pack snacks and water.  We bought lunch at Frontier City. I think that is part of the fun, getting to eat junk food that will probably make you sick.

        So we spent all day there, from 10:30 that morning until I think 5:00. I had planned burritos for dinner Thursday night, but I was planning on making homemade tortillas and that just wasn't happening because I was tired! I decided to make hard taco shells from the corn tortillas I had, then I made a burrito mixture with the pinto beans I made earlier in the week and some frozen spanish rice I had and some tomato sauce. I put that in the taco shells and baked them again with some cheese in top and called it dinner! Everyone ate it, but usually if there is melted cheese on something my family will eat it.

         Friday breakfast was the same muffins from the day before. When I baking things, I always make more then one batch. I just think its stupid not to. It was sandwiches for lunch and since it was Friday night it meant...Pizza! I think I told you before we have pizza every Friday night, so that makes planning easy!

      Today we had biscuits and gravy for breakfast except for Ray, he had oatmeal...super gross! My kids just got done having lunch and it was leftover pizza from last night.  And we will have beef enchiladas for dinner. Except it isn't really enchiladas, because I'm to lazy to roll them. I just kinda dump it all in a casserole dish and call it enchiladas. Who wants to stand there and roll those darn things when they taste the same either way.
       It has been a week now of eating on our budget and it seems to be working. I don't think I want to do this every month, but it is possible to do it, at least so far. I haven't gone to Walmart and bought any extra groceries. I have stuck to my menu, and no one is starving and all the food groups are being met, that right there is a success if you ask me.

       Now on to the important update on Molly! I don't think I told you how her 2 month doctors appointment went the other day. I was wondering about her weight because she was so small and about how she was developing because she was so early. But she weighed in at a big 8 pounds 12 ounces! And her development is great. Our doctor told me she must have a big brain because of her head circumference, she was in 22% range for that and her height and weight was only in the 2%. I'm pretty sire she takes after me. Ray is smart and all, but come on...

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