As I sat down this morning to look at my cleaning lists...yes, lists...I was slightly overwhelmed! Like I said yesterday, there is a list for everything. Daily, weekly, monthly. There is even a list for a cleaning kit! And on her list for a cleaning kit was a bucket. I don't have bucket, so I went to the store and bought a purple bucket this morning. Just because I thought purple would be more fun. I was right. Anyway... So I decided to do this, of course everything on the daily list, then one thing from the weekly list and then on thing from the monthly list a day.
The weekly list is not to different from my normal weekly list, just way more in-depth! Today from the weekly list I choose bathrooms, because I haven't cleaning the bathrooms since Saturday morning because we had company that afternoon. And I'l be honest, by cleaning I really mean a fast wipe down with cleaning wipes. But seriously, I have three full baths and one half bath in this house. Sometimes a cleaning wipe is all there is time for. But alas, there is no use of cleaning wipes in the "how to" of cleaning bathrooms by Martha. So I will not sure cleaning wipes.
A few things I have noticed today...
1-I'm sure that Martha doesn't have a little boy go number two in the a freshly cleaned toilet.
2-Martha doesn't have five kids and two adults to do laundry for as well as everything on her daily and weekly and monthly list.
So I completed all my tasks today in a Marthaesc way. I cleaned all the bathrooms in my house exactly like she said. That's three and half bathrooms people, three.and.a.half.bathrooms. I did things I have never done before. Like she has you clean the inside and the outside of every bathroom trash can. What??? I have to stick my hand inside my kids bathroom trash cans and clean them?? Yes, yes I do. To be honest I actually thought about skipping this step when I got to the boys bathroom trash can. First, what the heck do boys put in their trash cans that stick to the bottom and won't come off and second, it seems there may be some aiming problems when they are using the restroom. All things leading to gross in that trash can. But I am sticking to my word and sticking my hand it that nasty trash can once a week for a month. I might have a big heart to heart with the three boys that use that bathroom before i have to clean it again next week though!
Not only did I do the bathrooms, which is a task on her weekly list, I also did her daily list. That list consists of things like make beds, which I do anyway because I hate, HATE and unmade bed and manage clutter and sort mail and sweep kitchen floor. Check, check and check, that list was easy to do.
Then it was the end of the day and I remembered about her stupid monthly list. I double checked it to see what I could do real fast and here are a few things....scrub grout, vacuum window treatments, wipe inside and outside of trash and recycling bins...ok, that one is never, NEVER going to happen. I just described the kids trash cans, like I am going to be cleaning our gigantic trash and recycling bins so if you want to call me a failure and stop reading now, be my guest. Seriously, because I'm not doing it. But I did have to pick one thing to do and on the list I found this little gem...wipe off phones. Done. My phone is officially wiped off.
Day one is done and I even found time to fix dinner for my family....tuna cakes. Thats a fancy word for canned tuna mixed with other things formed into patties and cooked. But no one starved and I don't have to clean bathrooms for another week....
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